B12 Shot

Beneficial to increase energy levels and enhance metabolism. 

IV Hydration

A simple treatment that delivers fluids directly into your bloodstream through a small IV inserted into your arm 

Kenelog Injections (Syringe)

Is a triamcinolone acetonide, a synthetic glucocorticoid corticosteroid w/ marked anti-inflammatory action, in a sterile aqueous suspension suitable for intralesional and intra-articular injection 

Lipo Dissolve

An injected form of fat reduction. Purported to melt away localized fat deposit 

Lipo Mino

Injection that is going to help break down fat in your liver by speeding up your metabolism and eliminating fat 

PRP Hair Restoration Injections

A three-step medical treatment in which a person’s blood is drawn, processed + then injected into the scalp. 

PRP Hair Restoration Micro Channeling

A non-surgical, extremely powerful treatment using your own platelets + growth factors to fight hair loss 

PRP Hair Restoration + Face Micro channeling

This technique involves making tiny punctures to the skin’s surface. Your blood is drawn then placed in a centrifuge where the blood is spun to release various growth factors from platelets. After the procedure is complete, the PRP is applied topically to the treated area.  

Enhancment PRP

Causes a release of growth factors which stimulate new collagen formation, increase in blood flow + results in tissue regeneration. 

Post Operative for PRP + Fat Grafting

Improves Fat Grafting Outcomes. Speed up your healing and recovery process with this service.